When extreme weather, such as snow, affects transport, it can be challenging for staff who live further away to get to school. However, as most of our pupils live locally, the school may still have a high number of children in attendance — even if some staff are unable to arrive. In these cases, if pupil numbers are high but staff numbers are too low to safely supervise and run the school, we may have no choice but to close for the day.
If the decision is made to close the school, we will inform parents as soon as possible. Updates will be posted on the school website, Facebook page, and sent via text message. We aim to notify families by 8am, depending on the weather conditions and forecasts.
If the school remains open, please ensure your child comes to school with a suitable coat, hat, scarf, gloves, and a change of footwear (e.g., wellies) so they can stay warm and dry during playtimes. Children without appropriate clothing will remain inside at play times.
Thank you for your understanding and support in keeping our pupils safe and comfortable during extreme weather.