Welcome to Year 1

Teacher - Mrs Rutherford

Teaching Assistant - Miss Reid
Year 1 Key Information
Spellings: We have a weekly spelling test every Monday
PE Days: Monday and Wednesday. Please come to school dressed in your PE kit on your PE days. This includes a white t-shirt, black or grey leggings/trousers/shorts and suitable trainers.
Reading Books: Read Write Inc books are changed every Monday. These books are linked to phonic groupings.
Reading for pleasure books are changed on a Monday and Friday. Reading Books will be changed if reading records have been signed and books have been read.
Library books:
Homework: We expect reading books to be read on a daily basis. Reading records should be signed.
Spellings are set every Monday.
Read, Write Inc home learning videos are set on a Friday. These videos are linked to phonic groupings and recent assessments.
Occasionally, there will be additional homework linked to learning in class. This will be set on a Friday.
Homework Expectations
This is just a reminder of the expectations for KS1 homework. Every day all children should complete, five minutes of spelling practise and reading.
At our school we are passionate about reading and it is massively beneficial to children. It supports their development in all areas of the curriculum, their mental wellbeing and broadens their imagination.
What’s happening in Autumn term?
Autumn 1
Topic: In Autumn 1 we will be learning all about our History. We will develop an understanding of chronology and talk about events from our own lives. In science, we will be learning about ‘Everyday Materials’ and compare seasonal changes for the season of Autumn. In maths, we will be focusing on place value and addition and subtraction within 10.
Class Books: The Naughty Bus by Jan Oke and Astro Girl by Ken Wilson-Max
Autumn 2
Topic: In Autumn 2 we will focus on Toys Through Time where we learn similarities and differences between the past and our own lives. Science this half term will continue to be ‘Everyday Materials’ all around us. We will carry out an investigation to explore the which material is best to make an umbrella. In maths, we will continue with addition and subtraction within 10 and explore 2D and 3D shapes.
Class Books: I want my hat back by Jon Klassen Billy and the Beast by Nadia Shireen
What’s happening in Spring term?
Spring 1
Topic: During Spring 1, we start our focus upon ‘Animals, including Humans’ in Science. We will focus on the human body and the senses.
In Maths, we will be focusing on place value and addition and subtraction within 20. What is it like here?
Class Books: Beegu by Alexis Deacon and by Leo and the Octopus by Isabelle Marinov
Spring 2
Topic: During Spring 2, we will look at local history in our area and
We will continue to explore ‘Animals, including Humans’ We will be identifying, classifying and comparing a range of different animals.
The United Kingdom
In maths we will be focusing on place value within 50 as well as learning about different forms of measurement.
Class Books: Stanley’s Stick by John Hegley and Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish by Michael Foreman
What’s happening in Summer term?
Summer 1
Topic: During summer 1, we start with a History focus ‘Explorers
(Significant individuals’
In science, we will continue our ‘Animals including Humans’ topic before moving onto ‘Plants’. We will also go on a school trip to Brockholes Nature Reserve to support out science learning. In maths we will be introducing multiplication, division and fractions.
Class Books: Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers and Pig the Pug by Aaron Blabbey
Summer 2
Topic: During Summer 2 there will be a Geography focus exploring ‘Wonderful Weather’. We will explore the characteristics of the countries in the United Kingdom, identify daily weather patterns in the UK and follow compass directions. We will continue to observe more seasonal changes occurring as the seasons change. In maths we will be focusing on place value within 100 and learning about money and time.
Class Books: Iggy Peck, Architect by Andrea Beaty and The Magic Bed by John Burningham