Welcome to Year 3

Teacher - Mr Phoenix

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Wragg
Year 3 Key Information
PE Days: Monday and Thursday. Please come to school dressed in your PE kit on your PE days. This includes a white t-shirt, black or grey leggings/trousers/shorts and suitable trainers.
Reading Books:Children can change their reading books on a Monday and a Friday. Children will have a Book Banded book and a reading for pleasure book. Please can you support your child with fluency by listening to them read on a regular basis. Remember to sign your child’s reading record so we know that they have read and the book is ready for changing.
Library books: Children have the opportunity to access books from the library when they are choosing reading for pleasure books.
Homework: We expect reading books to be read on a daily basis. Reading records should be signed. Spellings are set every Monday and are tested the following Monday. Homework is sent out on a Friday and is due the next Friday to be marked. If you have online access children are encouraged to complete TT Rock Stars.
Homework Expectations
This is just a reminder of the expectations for KS2 homework. Every day, all children should complete five minutes of spelling practise, reading and times table practise. At our school we are passionate about reading and it is massively beneficial to children. It supports their development in all areas of the curriculum, their mental wellbeing and broadens their imagination.
What’s happening in Autumn term?
Autumn 1
Topic: In Autumn 1 we will be exploring life in different times, finding out what it was like for people in the Stone Age or Iron Age. We will develop our drawing skills in art looking at shape and shadow. In Maths we will be developing our understanding of place value along with addition and subtraction. We will discuss keeping safe and looking after ourselves in PSHE and learning greet each other in French.
Class Books: Leon and the Place Between – Angela McAllister
Nen and the Lonely Fisherman – Ian Eagleton
The First Drawing – Mordicai Gerstein
Autumn 2
Topic: In Autumn 2 we will focus on celebration discussing what is important to different people. We will explore multiplication and division in mathematics solving a range of different problems. Our science will involve investigating magnets and we will continue to build on our understanding of French learning how to talk about colour, size and shapes.
Class Books: The BFG – Roald Dahl
The Tear Thief – Carol Ann Duffy
What’s happening in Spring term?
Spring 1
Topic: During Spring 1, we will be developing our understanding of online safety in computing. We will learn about the Ancient Egyptians in History and learn about the importance of festivals and worship to different religions. We will explore moving and growing in science and continue to build on multiplication and division in Mathematics.
Class Books: The Pied Piper of Hamlin – Michael Morpurgo
The Tin Forest – Helen Ward
Spring 2
Topic: During Spring 2, we will be investigating what we can do to help plants grow. We will learn about our world and some of the extreme events that can occur like earthquakes and tsunamis. In computing we will be learning to programme with Scratch and discussing nutrition and seasonally cooking in design technology. We will be looking at Fractions in mathematics.
Class Books: Cloud Tea Monkeys – Mal Peet
Small in the City – Sydney Smith
What’s happening in Summer term?
Summer 1
Topic: During summer 1, we will continue to explore helping plants to grow. We will look at different forms of leisure and entertainment in the 20th Century in history and continue to build on our understanding of fractions in mathematics. We will take a journey inside a computer in our computing lessons and listen and learn some jazz in music.
Class Book: The Thames and Tide Club – Katya Balen
How to Live Forever – Colin Thompson
Summer 2
Topic: During Summer 2 we will be exploring our feelings and the preparation for the transition to our new year group. We will learn about light and shadows in science and explore databases in computing. In mathematics we will work with shape and statistics and learn about America in geography.
Class Book: Jim, a Cautionary Tale – Hilary Belloc
The Day I Swopped my Dad for 2 Goldfish – Neil Gaiman