Welcome to Year 4

Teacher - Miss Austin

Teaching Assistant - Mrs McWiggan
Year 4 Key Information
PE Days: Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Please come to school dressed in your PE kit on your PE days. This includes a white t-shirt, black or grey leggings/trousers/shorts and suitable trainers.
Reading Books:Children have the opportunity to change their reading books on a Monday and a Friday. Children will have a Book Banded book and a reading for pleasure book. Please can you support with fluency by listening to your child read on a regular basis, please sign the reading record so we know that the book is ready for changing.
Library books: Children have the opportunity to access the books from the library during our reading for pleasure time.
Homework: Homework is sent out on a Friday and is due the next Friday to be marked. Spellings are sent out on a Monday and the children are tested the following Monday. We also expect children to be regularly completing TTRS and reading for pleasure at home.
Homework Expectations
This is just a reminder of the expectations for KS2 homework. Every day, all children should complete five minutes of spelling practise, reading and times table practise.
At our school we are passionate about reading and it is massively beneficial to children. It supports their development in all areas of the curriculum, their mental wellbeing and broadens their imagination.
What’s happening in Autumn term?
Autumn 1
Topic: This half term in maths we will cover place value, addition, subtraction, measurement (area) multiplication and division.
In English, we will be reading Tar beach, The Mermaid of Zennor, Until I Met Dudley and The Iron Man. We will use these novels to inspire our writing, which will include: a descriptive setting, a poem and report.
In science, we will be exploring ‘Living things and their habitats’ where we will begin to understand classification and group organisms based on their similarities and differences.
Our history topic is linked to Roman Britain where we will look at the timeline of events as well as understanding how the romans conquered Britain.
Our PE topics this term will be looking at ball skills as well as the fundamentals of sport.
Class Books:
Autumn 2
Class Books:
What’s happening in Spring term?
Spring 1
Topic: In Spring in maths we will cover . In English, we will be reading Tar beach, The Mermaid of Zennor, Until I Met Dudley and The Iron Man. We will use these novels to inspire our writing, which will include: a descriptive setting, a poem and report. In science, we will be exploring ‘Living things and their habitats’ where we will begin to understand classification and group organisms based on their similarities and differences. Our history topic is linked to Roman Britain where we will look at the timeline of events as well as understanding how the romans conquered Britain. Our PE topics this term will be looking at ball skills as well as the fundamentals of sport.
Class Books:
Spring 2
Class Books:
What’s happening in Summer term?
Summer 1
Class Books:
Summer 2
Class Books: