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Attendance & Punctuality

Attendance Lead and Champion

Attendance Lead (AL) : Mrs Brook
Mrs Brook will deal with the day-to-day running, absences, medical appointments. If your child is absence then you must phone the school office on 01457 833102 Opt 1 by 9am and leave a message explaining in full the reason for absence,  child’s name and class. If you need to speak directly to Mrs Brook please select Option 2 when calling the school. Mrs Brook is available from 8am until 3.45pm each day.  
School Attendance Champion (SAC) : Mr Ellison 
Mr Ellison will deal with persistence absentees, data and absences trends etc. If your child’s attendance drops below 95% Mr Ellison will send an email to explain the current % and then monitor your child’s attendance. If you child’s attendance drops below 90% Mr Ellison will invite you in for a meeting to discuss ways in which school can  support  you ensure your child attends school regularly.