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Class Dojo

At Buckton Vale we use Class Dojo as part of our behaviour system.

Each of the pupils is allocated a Class Dojo monster and these are displayed on the interactive whiteboard during lessons. Children are given dojo points for various different reasons that link to our school values. These include aspiring to achieve in lessons, being helpful, remaining on task, good listening, positive playtimes and lunchtimes, independence and persistence.

When the children acquire a certain number of dojo points, they can then choose a prize from the Dojo Shop or receive a certificate and badge depending on the amount. They also get to move their name up the ‘Dojo Wall of Fame’ chart in the classroom.

  • 50 dojos – choose a prize from the Dojo Shop
  • Bronze (100 dojos) – receive certificate and badge
  • 150 dojos – choose a prize from the Dojo Shop
  • Silver (200 dojos) – receive certificate and badge
  • 250 dojos – choose a prize from the Dojo Shop
  • Gold (300 dojos) – receive certificate and badge

As a positive school, we do not remove dojos from the children for making negative choices. Instead, the children will progress through our behaviour system. They start on ‘gold’ before moving down to ‘purple’, ‘blue’, ‘green’ (reflection time) and ‘yellow’. This system is displayed in each classroom and the children are aware of which negative behaviours correspond to each colour

Dojo Shop