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E-Safety at Buckton Vale is an integral element of our safeguarding policy. 

Computers and the internet are now a fundamental part of the world we live in.  They are an amazing resource packed full of knowledge, games and different communities of people around the world.    

The possibilities available to children and adults are endless however these amazing opportunities do also have the potential to pose a real threat. 

At Buckton Vale we see this as a crucial element of everyone’s education and make sure our pupils’ and parents are aware of the risks to safety that are ever present online and how to stay safe.  We do this through a variety of learning opportunities and encourage parents and carers to talk to their children about behaving safely when using this technology.  The children and parents are required to sign our E-Safety agreement forms and our Acceptable Usage Policy. 

We are committed to improving e-safety not only in school but at home as well.  If you have any questions or concerns about internet usage please do not hesitate to get in touch.  You can also read the Parents’ Guide to Technology published online by UK Safer Internet Centre.

We encourage parents to set up filtering on their home internet.  To learn how to do this for the major providers of internet please click the text below.

Our aim is always not to scare or make individuals afraid to use these tools but rather provide the skills and understanding to use them safely