Welcome to Year 5 / 6

Teacher - Mrs Mansey

Year 5 / 6 Key Information
PE Days: Wednesday and Friday. Please come to school dressed in your PE kit on your PE days. This includes a plain white t-shirt, plain black or grey leggings/trousers/shorts/sweatshirt and suitable trainers.
Reading Books: Children will have a book banded reading book and a reading for pleasure book. These can be changed on a Monday and a Friday. Book banded books will be changed if reading records have been signed. In Year 5 and 6 the children’s books are often longer with more chapters, therefore children may not need to change their reading for pleasure books every week.
Library books: Children have the opportunity to access books from the library when they are choosing reading for pleasure books.
Homework: Homework is sent out on a Friday and is due the next Friday to be marked. Spellings are sent out on a Monday and the children are tested the following Monday. We also expect children to be regularly completing TTRS and reading for pleasure at home.
Homework Expectations
This is just a reminder of the expectations for KS2 homework. Every day, all children should complete five minutes of spelling practise, reading and times table practise.
At our school we are passionate about reading and it is massively beneficial to children. It supports their development in all areas of the curriculum, their mental wellbeing and broadens their imagination.
What’s happening in Autumn term?
Topic: Vikings
Class Book: Viking Boy
This half term in maths, we will be looking at place value, four operations and fractions.
In English, we will be reading ‘Viking Boy’ which is and action-packed narrative that follows the story of Gunnar, the son of a Viking chief, as he sets out to avenge his father’s death after an attack by rival raiders. We will use this to inspire our writing, which will include: a diary, a locational write, a character description, a poem and a narrative.
In science, our topic will be ‘Properties and Changes of Materials’ where we will find out about different materials, their uses and their properties, as well as dissolving, separating mixtures and irreversible changes.
Our history and geography topics will be Vikings. Where we will be looking at who they were, where they came from along with the roles of men and women in society and how Viking life was.
What’s happening in Spring term?
Topic: World War Two
Class Book: The Silver Sword
This half term in maths, we will be looking at ratio, algebra, fractions, decimals and percentages and then move on area, perimeter and volume.
In English, we will be reading ‘The Silver Sword’ which is a moving account of a family torn apart by war.
In Spring 1, we will be learning all about forces such as gravity, friction, water resistance and air resistance. Children will also learn about the use of mechanisms such as levers, gears and pulleys. In Spring 2 our science will be Earth and Space, considering Earth’s place in the solar system then finding out about the Earth’s rotation to understand day and night.
Our history and geography topic will be WWII, where we will learn about Germany before the war and the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party along with the impact the Germans had on the people of Europe including the holocaust, rationing and evacuation of children. We will use this to inspire our writing where we will write: a letter, a diary, a narrative, a balanced argument and a biography.
What’s happening in Summer term?
Topic: Mayans and Natural Resources
Class Books: The Final Year
This half term in maths, we will be looking at shape and consolidating previous learning on the run up to SATs. Our main aim is to equip the children with the skills and knowledge to prepare them for their high school journey and beyond. The children will develop in all areas of maths including arithmetic, reasoning and problem solving.
In English, we will be reading ‘The Final Year,’ which is all about a boy and his journey through his final year in primary school. We will start our final term by writing a narrative and a non-chronological report.
In science, we will be completing work on Living Things and their Habitats finding out about the process of reproduction and the life cycles of plants, mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. We will then move onto Animals Including Humans where children will learn about the life cycle of a human being and will also look at the changes that humans and other animals experience.
Our history topic is The Mayans where we will explore the lives of the Mayan civilization and learn about the culture. We will work on Natural Resources in geography. For this we will explore things found in nature that exist without human intervention.