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Welcome to Year 6

Teacher - Mrs McQuillan

Teacher - Mrs McQuillan

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Hague

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Hague

Teacher - Mr Ellison

Teacher - Mr Ellison

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Laycock

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Laycock

Year 6 Key Information

PE Days: Monday and Friday. Please come to school dressed in your PE kit on your PE days. This includes a plain white t-shirt, plain black or grey leggings/trousers/shorts/sweatshirt and suitable trainers.
Reading Books: Children will have a book banded reading book and a reading for pleasure book.  These can be changed on a Monday and a Friday.  Book banded books will be changed if reading records have been signed.  In Year 6 the children’s books are often longer with more chapters, therefore children may not need to change their reading for pleasure books every week.
Library books: Children have the opportunity to access books from the library when they are choosing reading for pleasure books.
Homework: Homework is sent out on a Friday and is due the next Friday to be marked. Spellings are sent out on a Monday and the children are tested the following Monday. We also expect children to be regularly completing TTRS and reading for pleasure at home.

Homework Expectations

This is just a reminder of the expectations for KS2 homework. Every day, all children should complete five minutes of spelling practise, reading and times table practise.

At our school we are passionate about reading and it is massively beneficial to children. It supports their development in all areas of the curriculum, their mental wellbeing and broadens their imagination.

What’s happening in Autumn term?

Maths : Place value, four operations and fractions.



       The Arrival – Sean Tan

       Windrush Child – Benjamin Zephaniah

       Can we save the tiger? – Martin Jenkins

       The Last Bear – Hannah Gold



       Animals including humans






What’s happening in Spring term?

Maths : Ration, Algebra, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Area, Perimeter and Statistics



       Resist – Tom Palmer

       Suffragettes and the battle for equality – David Roberts

       Paradise Sands – Levi Pinfold

       Boy in the tower – Polly Ho-Yen




       Living things and their habitats




What’s happening in Summer term?

Maths : Shape, position & direction, consolidation, transition



       The wind in the wall – Sally Gardner

       Romeo Juliet – William Shakespeare

       Some places more than others – Renee Watson

       Night Mail – W H Auden



       Living things and their habitats (2)

       Evolution and Inheritance



       Kingdom of Benin

